What an AMAZING first day we had! We played a get to know you game, read Amelia Bedelia's First Day, went to a magic assembly at the high school, had an amazing lunch, and got to know our classroom family better through fun and activities. We're super excited for this school year and the fun we'll have. Please remember to send your "parent homework" back with your child in their homework folder (by Friday if possible please). The students were super excited that Mom & Dad had homework and they didn't lol. You will see these folders each Monday and will return them by Friday.
Thank-you all for sharing your child with me this school year. We had such a wonderful day and I can't wait to get to know everyone even more. Also, thank-you for all of the wonderful donations for our classroom. I told my students it looks like Christmas!
In addition to the basic supplies some children brought pencil boxes, folders and additional items that we don't need in class. If your child brought items not on the donation list, I sent them home with to be used with homework. Not that the items aren't wonderful but it makes it easier for me (and more fair for the students) if everyone has the same supplies. Please let me know if you have any questions and here's to a great year!
Our Class on the first day of school